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2022 Results

Writer's picture: B4CB4C

Teams (1) Day and Night Hawks

Low Carbon, Carbon Conservers - Day and Night Hawks 63 species (Susquehanna)

County Champs – Day and Night Hawks 84 species (Susquehanna)

*Fab Fundraisers - Day and Night Hawks $250

Teams (2) Lyco Dendroicas, Tea Time Towhees

Least Birded Counties, Data Demons – Tea Time Towhees 62 species (Union)

County Champs - Lyco Dendroicas 66 species (Lycoming)

*Fab Fundraisers – Tea Time Towhees $370

Teams (2) The Long-tailed Ducks, Pennsylvania is for Plovers

County Champs Pennsylvania is for Plovers 121 species (Erie)

*Fab Fundraisers - Pennsylvania is for Plovers $795

Teams (3) The Bird Magnets, Todd Towhees, Western Spindalises

County Champs – Todd Towhees 90 Species (Indiana)

Regional Royalty – Western Spindalises 77 Species (Beaver, Greene, Washington)

*Fab Fundraisers - Todd Towhees $500

Teams (6) Black Valley Buzzards, Crazed Cuckoos, Cumberland Crossbills,

Hickory Town Harriers, Raven Lunatics, South Mountain Audubon

Least Birded Counties, Data Demons – Crazed Cuckoos 86 Species (Fulton)

Low Carbon, Carbon Conservers – Raven Lunatics 51 Species (Cumberland)

County Champs – Raven Lunatics 106 Species (Cumberland)

*Fab Fundraisers - Crazed Cuckoos $755

Teams (6) BCDC Eagle Eyes, Brandywine Breeding Bird Blitzers, Manada Bird Brains,

Quittie Audubon, Rosalie’s Raptors, The Kingfishers

Low Carbon, Carbon Conservers - Manada Bird Brains 49 Species (Dauphin)

County Champs – The Kingfishers 105 Species (Dauphin)

Regional Royalty – Rosalie’s Raptors 90 Species (Berks, Schuylkill, Lehigh)

*Fab Fundraisers - Brandywine Breeding Bird Blitzers $3,869

PA Peerless - Pennsylvania is for Plovers 121 species (Erie)

*Monetary Monsters - Brandywine Breeding Bird Blitzers $3,869

*As of the morning of Wednesday, June 22.

1 commento

Laura Jackson
Laura Jackson
29 giu 2022

Looks like a great effort!! Will you post the link to the eBird species list on this page? Thanks so much! Laura

Mi piace
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